Deutschland Sucht den Super-Coach

It’s time for the 2021 Official Coaching Games to begin. Join the world of coaching adventures – a thrilling competition never seen before.

20. – 23. April 2021

Die Coaching-Olympiade

20 Coaches treten gegeneinander an und lösen verzwickte Fälle. Der Klient und die Jury entscheiden, wer weiter kommt. Dem Gewinner lockt der Deutsche Coaching-Pokal.

Für Fallgeber

Du hast einen spannenden oder verzwickten Fall und möchtest ihn gleich von mehreren Top-Coaches lösen lassen? Bewirb dich als Fallgeber!

Es gibt 3 Disziplinen:

  • Business Coaching
  • Life Coaching
  • Beziehungsberatung
Dan Broudi
This entrepreneur brings the full range of his energy, expertise and enthusiasm to each project he takes on. There are many reasons why he never shies away from a challenge, but one of the most important reason is his relentless approach.
Tom Sina
This entrepreneur brings the full range of his energy, expertise and enthusiasm to each project he takes on. There are many reasons why he never shies away from a challenge, but one of the most important reason is his relentless approach.
Symon Rivers
This entrepreneur brings the full range of his energy, expertise and enthusiasm to each project he takes on. There are many reasons why he never shies away from a challenge, but one of the most important reason is his relentless approach.
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Round One

Dan Kartsi


Donny Yean

Larry Vang


Mike Steart

Dan Broudi


Tom Macart

Coaching Menschen Persönliches Wachstum Knifflige Fälle Psychologie